Get involved

Help MARA reach its goals by being a part of our movement.

Join our team

Vacancies and internships

MARA would be thrilled to have you with us. You will find all the opportunities to join our team below. If you don’t find a role that suits you, feel free to email us your CV or resume via email at


We are looking for members to join our movement.

If you are interested in our work and would like to join, or simply if you have questions, just reach out to us at

Social media volunteers

Help us reach out to the right audience and volunteer for our social media communications!

Get in touch with us at, and make sure to enclose your CV or resume!


Come discover our work, our methods and our partners.

We are currently looking for interns who can assist us in our activities. Get in touch with us at, and make sure to enclose your CV or resume!

Graphic designers

Are you a feminist graphic designer? We would love to hear from you!

Get in touch with us at, and make sure to enclose your CV or resume along with your portfolio!

Donate to MARA

Help us remove barriers to access to abortion. The smallest contribution can make the difference.

With your help, we will foster exchange between grass-root organizations and shake abortion rights advocacy in the Mediterranean region!


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“The battles over women’s bodies can be won only by a revolution of the mind.”

Mona Eltahawy